Rick's list is very good. I would also add LimeSDR as a good candidate (I don't yet own one).
I have been using the RTL-SDR (original black one with the R820T chip), RTL-SDR (Nooelec metal case with R820T2), RTL-SDR (blue with TCXO and R820T2), Funcube Dongle Pro, Funcube Dongle Pro+ (FCD+) and SDRPlay RSP2. The RTLs are "ok" for casual testing and signal hunting -- specially on the bench. But their limited dynamic range, lack of band-pass filtering, high noise figure and low ADC bit depth prevent using them in any serious activity. I do however use the Nooelec for some 10 GHz experimentation (with a LNBF). For monitoring satellites on VHF/UHF, I find the FCD+ the best performer. The filtering, dynamic range and sensitivity is quite good. The SDRPlay is also a very good performer, but it requires some careful adjustments to perform as well as the FCD+.
73, Edson PY2SDR
On Mon, Aug 14, 2017 at 4:05 PM, Andrew Rich [email protected] wrote:
RTL-SDR - $30 8 bits 2 MHz sample subject to overload HackRF $280 - birdies but can TX and RX 10 MHz to 6 GHz - good for GNU Radio Playing 12 bits 20 MHz SDR Play - $300 - Nice lots of filters a good allrounder - Airspy Mini - $200 Nice and compact medium perfromer FCD Plus - $300 a winner on 2 meters and 70 centimetres
I would love to get my hands on a commercial SDR
On 15 Aug 2017, at 4:53 am, Rick Walter [email protected] wrote:
Great response Patrick. We all know you get what you pay for. Please
continue telling us about your evaluations and experiences. I highly value your opinion and observations. I have a FCD Pro +, a SDR Play as well as the special dongle to receive the Outernet from the geosynchronous bird, and another dongle I currently use to send realtime Flight Aware data from my location. Keep up the good work. Please continue to share your valuable information, Patrick.
73, Rick - WB3CSY
Sent from Rick's iPhone 6S "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre
minds" - Albert Einstein
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" -
Arthur C. Clarke
"Klaatu Barada Nikto" - The Day the Earth Stood Still
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