Last night Aug 19, I captured ARISSAT VHF transmission using FCD and Audacity audio software to save I/Q wide band signal on my Mandriva Linux system. I monitored the signals using quisk. Doppler shift was not too fast at the end of a nearly overhead pass in Paris. For this first attempt I could note manage to listen ARISSAT and save the signal simultaneously. At the end of the pass, ARISSAT was very week but I decided to record the FCD output blindly. I saved stereo .wav file with 44100 samples per seconds for compatibility with iPad iSDR application. I could then play back recorded file with iSDR. Despite the faint signals Waterfall display showed clearly CW and BPSK beacons and fine tuning the listening frequency through the touch screen sensitivity of the iPad application let me decode parts of CW beacon with iSDR 200 Hz filter.
I will upload soon recorded wav file and screen capture of waterfall on my site.
73 de Bernard, f6bvp
Envoyé de mon iPad