On 10/27/2012 07:31 PM, John Heath wrote:
Hi All, Just updated keps for noaa weather satellites from Celestrak and find the the file contains mostltly birds that are no longer operational. How can I delete the unwanted birds.
Using GNU grep 2.5.4 on Linux:
grep -F -f wanted.sat -A 2 weather.txt > use_this.tle
The file 'wanted.sat' is a simple text file with a list of desired satellites, one per line. Example (using amateur satellites):
----8<------------->8------ OSCAR 7 EYESAT-1 JAS-2 PCSAT HAMSAT ----8<------------->8------
Grep picks any satellites that matches your listed names, and outputs the name and the two-line data immediately following. It adds a separator line between each, but I've never had a problem. AAMOF (and correct me if I'm wrong) but the TLE format is specifically supposed to ignore additional lines that don't conform to the TLE format.
Not running Linux? Start today! ;-)
Or, look for 'grep' for Windows here: