Hi Stan,
No, it's for sure not an M2. The boom is about 9' or 10' long, and the driven element is a simple dipole. The reflector element in the back is split, with two dipoles, one above and one below the boom. Coax connector is at the rear of the boom.
The pointiness of the antenna is not too bad. My rotor is good to 6 degrees (that's the clicker increment), and the one beacon I can barely hear way off in the distance can be heard +/- about 2 clicks.
Greg KO6TH
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 08:50:05 -0400 From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Antenna Opinions?
M2 makes a 35 element 1296 MHz yagi, on about a 6' boom. individual elements are insulated "thru the boom" with keepers. Folded dipole driven element. I used 2 each stacked vertically for AO-40. Yes, they are pointy.
Stan, W1LE Cape Cod FN41sr
On 9/22/2010 1:52 AM, Art McBride wrote:
Greg, I would keep the one that works the best. I have been disappointed in the performance of long boom Yagi's for UHF. Resistance loss in the elements often reduces the gain by several dB over calculated gain. Also they are very narrow band, the helix is good for an octave. Art, KC6UQH --
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