Op 30-1-2012 17:31, Bato, Andras schreef:
All CW tests were eliminated in the US in 2007. There is no Morse Code (CW) requirement any more.
Of course there's a possibility to learn Morse code which can be learned during a single week but reality says most choose not to do CW any more. What a pity!
We went no code a long time ago in the Netherlands and there are still plenty of people learning it and even more who use it even if they can not decode it by ear, unless it is a real sloppy fist soundcard CW decoders can handle it just fine.
Please do everyone everything to bring back telegraphers who would use less bandwidth on satellites then SSB!
To eliminate CW int he exams was a big mistake and the outcome can be heard on VO-52 when SSB operators simply can not recognise Morse code.
I think it has more to do with VO-52 being an easy liniar bird atracting newcommers to liniar satelites then with nocode opperators, a lot of them struggle to keep themselfs inside the passband and not lose their own downlink, also steering clear of week CW signals just adds to their workload.
May I ask all those who has never heard morse signals to tunu a bit down or higher in case he/she hears unidendified signals int he satellite bands?!
I doubt there are hams who never heard morse signals, all repeaters use them to identify
VO-52 is overcrowded which shows the interest in satellite operations.
crowd behavior I'm afriad, the simpler the satellite is to work the more hams discover it, tell their friends who add to the growing crowd, this in turn atracks other hams who hardly use satellites because they are underused and the bandpass fills, still a lot better then satellites that nobody uses.
I do hope AMSAT-DL will pass along P3E -which is said to be ready to start for many years- to start from India!
Anyway, there are fortunately satellite ops in Russia who use CW and do not keep shouting on the back of CW stations!
probably because it is less crowded in Russia, it is not the mode that makes the ham, it's the hamspirit, something plenty CW only opperators lack by refusing the work station using machine generated morse code.
gl de ha6nn
73 Andre PE1RDW