Sapphire, NO-45?
Since Sapphire is near the debris field from the Chinese ASAT test, we thought we would look to see any potential collisions. We'd like to also know if anyone has heard Sapphire recently.
The SOCRATES engine on the Celestrack.com web page is showing several potential "conjunctions" over the next few days with Sapphire (NO-45) #26932. It would be nice to hear some "before-and-after" signals to confirm or deny a collision.
The last reported signal (that I have) for Sapphire (KE6QMD) was by Bill Bruno KB2RC on October 30, 2004 8:15 PM. He was using 145.945 up and 437.095 down. Those are the freqs posted on the Amsat site. Even if Sapphire's digipeater is not set, then if it is alive, it still outputs a brief 1 second carrier beacon once every minute I think on that 437.095 freq (+/- Doppler). In another possible mode, those pings might be once every 20 seconds? (If I remember correctly?)
If any AMSAT folks hear from Sapphire, let us know of any sightings.
Bob Bruninga, WB4APR USNA Satellite Lab