I've applied for a grant from the ARRL foundation to fund purchase of this book for ham radio clubs at schools.
Please get in touch to recommend a ham club!
I have: David J. Schmocker kj9idave@charter.net Nick Pugh (The satellite team at the University of Louisiana)
saguaroastro saguaroastro@cox.net (school club or independent?)
Looking for more in case the grant is awarded. d
-Michelle W5NYV
On Fri, Jul 5, 2019 at 10:52 AM Michelle Thompson < mountain.michelle@gmail.com> wrote:
I have an extra copy of the 2017 edition of Roland Proesch's Technical Handbook for Satellite Monitoring and I would like to give it away! Just setting shipping and it can be yours.
Here's a link to the 2017 version's table of contents:
Available from now through Monday. If multiple people interested, will pick someone at random!
I enjoy and use this book and want to find it a new home.
-Michelle W5NYV