Dear satellite enthusiast and DXers
The 3W6C-Team will activate Côn Có Island (AS-185) on satellite from April 10 to18. The crew use a FT-897 TRX with homebrewed "Easysat"-antenna for 2m and 70cm and a homebrewed 10m crossdipol. Following satellite will be use: - AO-07* - AO-51* - HO-68* - SO-50 - SO-67 (*first priority - not all overflights and sats will be use) Please note, that only AO-07 will be activate in SBB/CW-mode. All other satellite are use in FM-mode.
The main areas in the Foodprint are: East-Asia, Japan, China, India, Australia and east part of Russia. If possible, so the 3W6C-Team will use some DX-Windows to near East and west part of Russia.
Operation note: The main-operator for Satellite is HB9BXE, Hans-Peter. Hans-Peter don't use a CAT-Interface for doppler correction. The equipment is in full manual use. It is important to know, that Hans-Peter don't hear his own downlink. For AO-07, he made no doppler correction in the uplink. Hans-Peter will search some signals +/- 5kHz arround the downlinkfrequency. (quasi splitmode like shortwave). Is there a pileup on the sat, please use only callsign, signalstrenght and gridsquare.
All Crewmembers are primary shortwave operators. So please be patient, if they have some troubles with the sat-operation.
For additional information and operating-plan, please contact the 3W6C Website. www.3w6c.qrv.ch http://www.3w6c.qrv.ch
Important: We still search Pilot-Station for coordinate the activities from following Areas: Australia, India and central Asia. If you like support the 3W6C-Team as pilot, please contact the team-leader hb9bxe ([email protected])
Thanks for support of the 3W6C-DX-Pedition.
73 de Michael, hb9wdf Satellite coach of 3W6C unfortunately not on the DX-Pedition :-(