Hi Les, I've been following your post. Sounds like you're having a ball. I'm off the air with sats for the time being although I do hope to cobble together at least an FM sat station early next year in anticipation of new cube sats. Just out of curiosity, what exactly was causing your distorted audio? If you mentioned it, I missed it. 73, Michael, W4HIJ On 5/26/2013 11:40 PM, Les Rayburn wrote:
One of the best signals on the bird, and most prolific operators is also one of the most generous. "Feg" spent time with me on the last two FO-29 passes helping me troubleshoot my audio problems (We finally got that licked) and also flagged two DX stations HK3Z, Aquilino and VE6ITV for me.
Thanks to his generosity I was able to log two new grids, and a new country.
Every aspect of this hobby has it's share of "good guys" and VHF operation is blessed with more than it's share. But in the past month I've also been introduced to some great ones on the birds.
Thanks again, Feg. I owe you!
Les Rayburn, N1LF 121 Mayfair Park Maylene, AL 35114 EM63nf
6M VUCC #1712 AMSAT #38965 Grid Bandits #222 Southeastern VHF Society Central States VHF Society Life Member Six Club #2484
Active on 6 Meters thru 1296, 10GHz & Light