Not being especially familiar with microwave equipment, I came across a type of connection which is currently a mystery to me. I know it is a connection, but I'm not sure if it is a connector.
In seeing pictures of some microwave PA's, sometimes a fine pin or pins are on the chassis for voltage connection. But, is it a connector? If so, what kind? (with that I can Google my way to more information)
I'm guessing the connection is special to ensure insulation and the integrity of chassis shielding(?), but I can't seem to find the mating female connector (if that pin is indeed a connector and not just a connection).
I'm guessing the BB won't allow images inside a message, so there are some examples at https://forums.qrz.com/index.php?threads/150-w-ssb-23cm-1-2ghz-amplifier-plu s-extras.596138/ (scroll down over half way).
Not being even close to needing an amp-I just got my Arrow ant. but haven't even make a contact yet <grin>-I still must have interest or I wouldn't be daydreaming by looking at antennas, LNA's, transverters, and PA's online.
Thank you!
Mark W9AT