I don't see why someone can't make a suggestion about a qrp experiment without being flamed about being incompetent, inadequate, financially poor or in some other way a lesser member of the -bb. You guys ought to learn a little more tolerance. Fact #1 is, ao-51 is dead and we don't have anything else of that quality for all of those operators who like doing field operations with an arrow. SO-50 is at best unpredictable and AO27 is not always on, depends on its ssp. Fact #2 is that anyone who is an alligator could have taken over vo-52 and didn't, thankfully. Fact #3 is that nobody would without seeking permission. So please cut back from the snide clever-clever remarks about having too small a piece of kit, hi. I don't feel bad about raising the idea. 73 de andy g0sfj