I guess when I took the survey, there were some obvious "cost-benefit" options that I gleaned out of the questions...
Obviously, the GEO is probably the most expensive, with HEO being close to it, and the LEO being the least expensive.
It should be up to the membership to help influence our future, and up to the management to work out the finance details, or provide us with the feasible options...
Dave AF6KD
On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 6:01 PM, Robert Bruninga [email protected] wrote:
We would all like the best possible satellite providing 24/7 worldwide communications to a small 18" antenna that provides both voice, data, video, and internet. The problem is, -at-what-cost-and-what-tradeoffs???
Unless each question that offers a benefit, also weighs that benefit against the cost and risk, and loss of other efforts, the data is of little meaningfull value.