Reicher, James wrote:
- You can more easily find and install a different mike on an 847,
since they don't require a special type of mike.
Do you refer to the situation where people had to buy for example Heil IC headset for older Icoms. Recent models (756Pro1/2/3 etc) should work with normal mikes. Which category IC910 belongs to? Old or new? I have normal Heil here unused. Maybe it could be hooked to the 910?
In short, the 847 is more versatile, easier to interface with the rest of your station, and less expensive than the Icom.
There are something where Yaesu didn't succeed.
Audio volume potentiometer at low levels, cooler fan (no thermal control to switch it off), repeater shift and ctcss/pl tone saving problems.
I do not own either of these. But I have used 847. I have something older rig for now.
Rolf oh6kxl