I have been following the pros and cons, plus the usual gripes,about the recent bunch of cubesats with some interest.Thes are a few points that ought to be taken into account:- 1) transmitted telemetry should be in a format that can be decoded, understood and have meaning to the Amateur Radio community. 2) it should have a valid amateur radio call sign if its to be allocated a frequency in the Satellite section of the Amateur Bands.This will make sure that builders are aware of what Amateur Radio is all about and might even encourage some to get a call sign. 3)all beacon frequencies should be kept clear of linear/single channel comsats i.e. 437 and above and channelised to eliminate the Compass/Cute1.7 situation. RS30 doesn't exactly fit into this stuation because it not a cube sat,but it does fall foul of item 1and to some degree 3) as well)
I will now sit back and await the flood? of remarks positive or negative!Regards Robert G8ATE _________________________________________________________________