Moving off my 30 year old TNC due to poor data performance. The old DSP2232 has done it's job. I'm now in the middle of setting up a software based modem system using my IC-9100, EasyTerm, and HS_SoundModem. The data D/L performance really blows away the hardware based modem. This somewhat surprises me as 20 years ago, we as a group did simultaneous d/l tests using S/W and H/W modems, and at the time the hardware was far superior. The S/W modems and CPU's driving them have come a long way. Anyway what my problem is, how to activate PTT with this setup. I had this working a few years ago, but forgot what I did. Where I'm at now, I'm using vspMgr to try and split the IC-9100's PTT serial port, but no joy. Do I need to split the port? Or use VOX? Any one get this working? Thanks...
73 Jeff kb2m