Yes, thus the " :-) ". Definitely meant as a joke. Just poking a little fun at this -- a fixed bird is going to be very popular. Maybe sometimes "too" popular.
It was meant to come out with a tone something like the phrase: "Visualize Whirled Peas!".
Kinda like a new restaurant opening in your neighborhood, you probably don't want to be there on "opening night" if you're the type that likes to avoid crowds. (GRIN)
Wonderful Nate! But one has to be careful with "today's crowd"! We wasted money on the last "2 user" FM only, one we launched, and I don't want to see that happen again... Some of us screamed like wounded eagles while it was happening, and I was told at more than one convention to mind my own business, just as tho the teller had more votes than I did.
Well apparently he did 'cause the FM one was lauched, ............probably cost us hundreds of thousands, I'm guessing, that could be applied now to our next venture....It was pumped up with a big thermometer, and have seen no major effort to collect among the users of the FM only bird. Looks like we got more users, but no contributors...but again, conjecture...
I think ESA and Germany is our savior in amateur satellites, with P3D.
I HOPE that AMSAT-NA will hold together long enough, and create the funding required for their now excellent goals. Bob McGwier, our true genius is back, and if there is any possibility of enabling, he'll do it....I see a lot of mouth from some others..
Nate, Bob, keep ur stuff coming!!
73, Dave [email protected] Disagree: I learn....
Pulling for P3E...