Congratulations on your and Andre's achievement. No time for errors inside a 30 second window! Enjoyed the video/audio as well.
Rich, N8UX
At 06:14 PM 1/8/2010, PS8RF wrote:
I posted a short video with the contact maintained today with Andre, ZS2BK via AO-7 in mode B ( Orbit 60848 - 19:47 UTC - 01/08/10 ). We keep the QSO with a small window that the AO-7 has provided us. The window was only about 34 sec, this time interval we could not match any commit error. The distance between the two stations is 4085 miles or 7669 Km. Andre wrote via email: " "My Doppler calc was also gratefully spot on. For example I calculated that I should call so that my downlink is on 145.944.2 mhz I worked out that our Doppler difference would be 3.8 khz and amazing that was spot-on. There is really no time to tune !" Andre is right the time was too little for adjustments. Taking also into account that I manually worked the rotor and control of my rig. See the sound/video in youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNFmHERisWQ