At 04:30 AM 7/22/2008, you wrote:
I do not think this is helpful. IMHO a survey should come from the BOD, and of course the design should incorporate the thoughts of a number of persons - the BOD, of course, but also others that the BOD recruits. ron w8gus
Altough I understand where you coming from, that does not invalidate Bill's survey. He has the right to gather opinions unilaterally so that he can check his assumptions on what the satellite community wants. My Senators and Congressman send out questionaires all the time and that is not approved by the whole Senate or Cogress.
I agree that Amsat would be served well to make periodic surveys to determine the directions the membership and general satellite community wish.
Bill, I hope that you will share the results with the -bb, but you are not required to.
73 Ed - KL7UW