Patrick is right. The IARU Monitoring System does handle interference with satellites as well as on the HF bands. IARU MS in all three regions have signed on to this. In IARU Region 2, this was incorporated into the IARU MS mission through a Recommendation adopted at the 1998 R2 Conference, in which I participated.
I should mention, however, that the purpose of IARU MS is to deal with non-amateur interference in the amateur bands (i.e., "intruders") rather than interference from one amateur operation to another. Amateur-to-amateur interference, e.g., terrestrial FM operations in the 145.8-1 46.0 MHz satellite segment, or interference to terrestrial operations from satellites operating outside of the satellite segments, can be dealt with by the relevant IARU Member Societies, as well as direct amateur-to-amateur contact as in the current case of interference to FO-29.
The Mexican interference to AO-27 which Patrick mentioned came from non-amateur operations. LMRE was very helpful in resolving it.
73 Ray W2RS IARU Satellite Advisory Panel