Good Afternoon, All!
Thank you for all the replies to my question s about satellite names.
The immediate solution for me was suggested by Jan, PE0SAT:
The Auxiliary file amsatnames.txt allows one to use alternate names.
That works, and my apps work like a charm, again.
Just a couple of thoughts:
Erich, My issue was that SatPC32 uses the name from the keps for the DDE
and the DDE does use a space to delimit data.
Greg, Neat thing about human-readable names is that they are
human-recognizable, just what I want my program to display while doing
it's job. Using the catalogue number would still require a reference to
the name.
Jan, While looking at the required field for the amsatnames.txt file I
remembered reading somewhere about the discussions going on about the
TLE structure and their implications for SatPC32 and , no big deal, for
my little apps. Changes are "'a comin".
OH! a last question. Why don't I get my own posts to AMSAT-BB? I have
not, yet, signed up for the new postman service. Considering the posted
problems associated with the change, at first, I thought I would wait
till they were solved fearing loosing all the knowledge collected here.
Is that the issue?
Thanks. again, everyone. Have a good day. Stay safe, Covid free. 73
Jim Jipping, W8MRR
AMSAT 5512 (Low number, old geezer)
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