Paul Was a pleasure to meet you and other friends outside at sat station. Best to all . 73 PY5LF Luciano
2016-05-25 15:06 GMT-03:00 Paul Stoetzer n8hm@arrl.net:
Thanks for posting this, Luciano. It was nice meeting you at the Hamvention.
Viewers will notice that I was not hearing my own downlink at all or just barely during that. Later that day, I cured that by placing a diplexer on the output from the second FT-817 to reduce the third harmonic.
Paul, N8HM
On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 1:58 PM, PY5LF py5lf@falautomation.com.br wrote:
Hi Paul at SO50 in Dayton 2016.
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