Almost everyone in North America is operating at 5 kHz up from the bottom of the downlink passband. I set my WSJT-x at 435.6115. Once in a while I see somebody CQing beyond the passband, more than 3 kHz up from that frequency, but I don't know if they actually work anybody. -- Mark D. Johns, KØJM AMSAT Ambassador & News Service Editor Brooklyn Park, MN USA EN35hd ----------------------------------------------- "Heaven goes by favor; if it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in." ---Mark Twain
On Tue, Oct 11, 2022 at 2:53 PM Mike Swiatkowski [email protected] wrote:
I read a message from Jerry, N5EKO, that the gentleman's agreement is to operate 3-10 kHz above the bottom band edge. WSJT-X may show you about 2.5 to 3 kHz of passband on a typical computer screen. So, that 7 kHz seems a bit much to monitor all at once. I think it'd be easier to just pick a standard calling offset from the bottom band edge to monitor when the satellite is passing. If we all started listening to +3 kHz to +5.5 kHz USB FT4 mode from the band edge it's a simple rule of thumb and we know where to listen to those signals seemingly under the noise floor. Many users don't have a band scope. So, a designated offset would be helpful.
Example: RS-44 Satellite downlink passband is 435.61 - 435.67 MHz Listen or CQ by setting SATPC32 satellite (not rig since it changes due to doppler) frequency to 435.613 USB mode and choosing FT4 on WSJT-X
so, the satellite (not rig) downlink frequency for FO-29 = 435.803 AO-07 = 145.928 HO-113 = 435.168 and so forth for other satellites. Maybe the XWs, CAs, JO-97, and EO-88 birds would be good for FT4, too.
Mike, AA9VI EN52
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