For the list's perusing pleasure...
Roger WA1KAT
----- Original Message ----- From: "SatelliteData Mailbox" [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2007 11:54 AM Subject: Satellite Database Update 4-9-07 Union of Concerned Scientists
A new version of the UCS Satellite Database, which includes launches through April 6, 2007, has been posted at http://ucsusa.org/satellite_database .
The new Excel format file is called *UCS_Satellite_Database_4-9-07.xls* and the tab-delimited text version is called *UCS_Satellite_Database_4-9-07.txt*. The tab-delimited text version in which the *Name* column contains only the official name of the satellite in the case of government and military satellites, and the most commonly used name in the case of commercial and civil satellites is called *UCS_Satellite_Database_officialname_4-9-07.txt*.
The other changes to this version of the database include: The addition of 18 satellites The deletion of 16 inactive satellites The addition of and corrections to some satellite data
We have incorporated your corrections and suggestions as we were able, and continue to welcome your comments.
The UCS Satellite Database Manager [email protected]