Those are cumulative spacings from 0, the reflector. - Duffey On Dec 19, 2008, at 11:09 PM, Andrew Rich wrote:
Are those spacings between the elements, or form the reference 0 ? ----- Original Message ----- From: James Duffey To: Andrew Rich Cc: James Duffey ; [email protected] Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2008 3:03 PM Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] 70 cm YAGI
On Dec 19, 2008, at 6:17 PM, Andrew Rich wrote:
I built an antenna for AO-51 which works well
I just cant seem to find the dimensions on the net
Here is a picture
I want ot scale it and make one for 1090 MHz
This is the WA5VJB Yagi, a good performer that is cheap and easy to make. Here is a link:
< http://www.wa5vjb.com/yagi-pdf/cheapyagi.pdf >
There are plans for a 902/903 version which should scale nicely to 1090 MHz. Let us know how it works out. - Duffey -- KK6MC James Duffey Cedar Crest NM
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-- KK6MC James Duffey Cedar Crest NM