DK3WN, Mike informs me that he has commanded PSAT digipeater back on.
It has been in safe mode for almost a month and so, maybe it is time to bring it back on line and hope that it stays up through Field Day.
Our Naval Academy ground station has been moved to a basement building for 18 months while renovations are in progress, so we are off line and dependent on our excellent volunteer station DK3WN for the honors...
-----Original Message----- From: Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)
FalconSat-3 takes a little more to set up on a D72, but it is currently our only orbiting digipeater on 24/7. NO-84 is occasionally on, and maybe we can hope for its batteries to be charged enough so a command station can turn the digipeater on for Field Day weekend.... <snip>