Ed --
Thanks for your commitment and planning to receive CubeSat CAPE-1 during your first pass after launch on 27Mar. The CAPE-1 team will be very anxious to receive your report immediately after the pass. A few thoughts that come to mind:
-- 9600bps G3RUH FSK modulation can be easily detected by ear when using SSB/CW receive mode.
-- I note that your first pass will be at ~57d elevation at TCA. This will be out of your Yagi main beam width but elevation before and after TCA will be useful.
-- Both CAPE-1 and AO-51 transmit standard 9600bps G3RUH FSK AX.25 telemetry packets so your previous success receiving AO-51 telemetry is encouraging. I have no experience with MixW2 to share but we will be interested in hearing about your success using MixW2 for CAPE-1 telemetry.
-- Preliminary TLEs manually load to GrafTrak AOK and predict the correct track. I am not familiar with NOVA but perhaps it also has a manual entry facility(?) This is what I get from GrafTrak for your coordinates (assuming a nominal launch):
AOS 08:01:35UT AZ 175 EL 0 435.255 TCA 08:08:58UT AZ 259 EL 57 435.245 LOS 08:16:16UT AZ 343 EL 0 435.235
If you are not successful with manually loading preliminary TLEs to NOVA I will send a tracking table.
-- You may also be successful receiving 1200bps AX.25 telemetry from LIBERTAD-1 on 437.405MHz or at least be able to report that it has been heard.
TNX es 73 de Ralph Wallio, WØRPK W0RPK@netINS.net http://showcase.netins.net/web/wallio/ Hubbert's Peak - The Mother of all Perfect Storms