--- On Fri, 25/9/09, Alan P. Biddle [email protected] wrote:
At a SmallSat conference I attended on behalf of AMSAT this summer, I was amused at the casual assumption by a researcher that 50, Five Oh, cubesats could be launched as part of an upper atmosphere project using ham frequencies for the downlinks.
Was this the Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI) proposal ?
Much as I hate to point it out the Primary User of the frequencies proposed are the Military.
Regretably neither the Amateur or Amateur Satellite services has any Global Primary allocations between 146 MHz and 24 GHz. A point which as I recall was raised about a decade ago on this list.
Perhaps the problem is that Amateur Satellite users do not lobby their National Societies to get them to push for some Global Primary Amateur and Amateur Satellite allocations in the UHF and Microwave bands.
73 Trevor M5AKA