Just when you thought it couldn't get any more exciting...
In addition to working AO-51 this Tuesday night at the Pasadena (CA) Amateur Radio Club meeting - and having a presentation on AMSAT - it's also W6KA's Annual Potluck Festival of Food night!
AND - a Toys for Tots campaign receptacle will be there.
SO...If you're in the area, check out the meeting announcement at..
...Scroll down to just below the table with their repeater freqs for more info on the meeting.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008 -AO-51 passes at 6:09pm -Meeting starts at 7PM. -Food and fun starts at 7:01pm -I'll give my presentation at about 7:30pm.
They meet at the Walnut Center location of Kaiser Permanente, 393 E. Walnut Street. Enter at the northern entrance to the parking structure on Los Robles north of Walnut. Press the button and tell the security officer "Radio Club" to get the gate opened. Sign in at the security desk and follow the crowd to the meeting room on the first floor.
Talk-in repeater is 145.180(-) 156.7
Clint Bradford, K6LCS 909-241-7666