Interesting enough that I will bring this to -bb, partially to let others know, and partially to try to satisfy my own curiosity...
On the 2121Z east coast pass (topping out at a whopping 5 degree elevation from my QTH) I was able to weakly copy a Maderia Island, Portugal station calling CQ North America. We were never able to trade grid squares, nor was I able to get 100% copy his call sign (I can only make out CT3?G on my recording), but we did hear each other.
So, I want to let everyone on the east coast know that there are reasons to operate very low passes of AO-51, and I'm curious if anyone might know who the station might be that I heard? I'd love to try to try to set up another chance and give it another go.
Also, just to show how well meager setups work: I was using FT-7800 into a mag mount for the uplink and a FT-60 with a K5OE handi-tenna for the downlink. All from my car sitting in my condo parking lot. :)
- -- Ben Jackson - N1WBV - New Bedford, MA bbj <at> innismir.net - http://www.innismir.net/