15 May
15 May
8:06 p.m.
Hi all,
I had never tried the Chinese satellites until tonight. I managed to have a SSB QSO on each one. My thanks to N8HM, WI9I, and K4RGK for putting up with me as I got things dialed in.
All three birds had a very similar TX offset on my end, about 0.5 KHz high, and it was easy to find my signal in the downlink. All three had VERY strong signals, but suffered from S9 to in the noise deep/long fades. I'm guessing the fading is antenna shading, as the fades were fairly pronounced even at the point of closest approach.
Not many people on the birds, but they are three of the easiest to work.
Also glad to hear AO-7 still up and kicking tonight.
I don't think I've ever worked three new (to me) birds in one night before.
73, Bob, WB4SON