Hi Christy Can anyone confirm that the SATs were successfully launched? ...and is there any updated info? 73, N0AN Hasan
On Thu, Sep 17, 2020 at 11:57 AM christy hunter via AMSAT-BB < [email protected]> wrote:
satellites listed for that date show a series(9) OF SATS named JILN-01 GAOFEN X,
launched from China.
73 Christy KB6LTY
*Jim Barbre* jbarbre at xmission.com mailto:amsat-bb%40amsat.org ?Subject=Re%3A%20%5Bamsat-bb%5D%20Chinese%20HF%20satellite&In-Reply-To=%3C7d632bd8-d3ad-7a4b-9cd1-c4e1f9c50436% 40xmission.com%3E /Wed Sep 16 17:58:59 UTC 2020/
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Did the Chinese launch their HF amateur radio satellite yesterday, September 15th, as scheduled? Thanks. 73 Jim Barbre KB7YSY
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