We are back from working stations from EN45 (10 QSOs) and EN46 (15 QSOs). All contacts are now uploaded to LOTW. For my call I used "NR0T", with no suffix of any kind.
I know for sure of two busted calls. If you find that your QSO with me is not in LOTW, please send me an email with the QSO details and I will check to see if it is one of the calls I busted.
I had connector problems from EN45 on the 1409z pass of FO-29 and only worked 3 stations. The 1553z pass from EN46 was much better with 15 QSOs and 3 to 4 per minute at times. We then returned to EN45 and tried AO85 (4 QSOs) at 1731z and UKUBE1 at 1932 (2 QSOs).
Many thanks to my wife, Taty, OA4ABC, who was the "Armstrong brand" antenna rotator while I worked the rig. We used an Arrow antenna, a pair of FT897Ds and SatPC32.
Great fun - I hope some of you got some needed grids. 73, Rolf NR0T
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