The FM transmitter does not turn on unless the SSB receiver hears a PSK-31 signal.
Once you start transmitting on 28.120 USB, never stop for the duration of the pass. Keep the transmitter turned on. Just change the Macro Text as needed for the contact. If you see the FM transmitter turning off and on, increase your power. I usually need 40-80 watts. As with anything on HF, band conditions are important.
The reference to 28.120 +2kHz means set the radio dial on 28.120 USB and transmit at 2KHz on the waterfall. (This is +/- for other station signals as you would expect.)
If your signal is too high on the waterfall to copy well, just turn the VFO to bring it down where you can copy yourself. For the decoder, I suggest using anything that displays two or more signals. For the transmitter, use DopplerPSK_ V:0.2.
Hope this helped.
-------------------------------- I heard APRS on the 144 MHz band. But I did not hear any PSK31 on the downlink. I did not try to transmit.
1. What's the secret to receiving PSK31 on FM? I never tried that before. 2. Transmit says 28.120 kHz +2 kHz SSB uplink. Can someone please translate that into USB DIAL and software tone? If it is 28120 USB and 2 kHz tone, most SSB rigs attenuate the audio at that level.
Mark Lunday, WD4ELG Greensboro, NC FM06be wd4elg at