Interesting. It was right on time (visually) here in central Florida. Last night, too. Even winked out within 5 seconds of prediction. Tracked with ISS Discovery on iPhone 8, so I have no idea of the Keps date/time. It just does it by magic.
Ed K9EK EL98
On 11/18/2020 8:14 PM Ronald Parsons via AMSAT-BB [email protected] wrote:
I went outside tonight to watch a high pass of the ISS and it was "running late." About 5-10 minutes. Beautiful pass though.
When I came into the shack to check SatPC32, I discovered the current download of nasabare keps was dated 11/4.
Apparently the ISS made a maneuver to accept the Dragon capsule and slightly raised its orbit.
Oh well, it's always fun to watch the ISS go over.
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