Hello Steve,
Welcome to the small world of ham satellite users! I worked a lot on the ssb transponders for the past 3 years. Last week I've build myself an arrow antenna and work alot on the fm birds now. Pictures can be seen here:
73 and enjoy this wonderful hobby. Eric.
Amateur Radio Station ON4HF Eric Knaps Satellite manager UBA
Op 29/05/2012 01:44, Steve May schreef:
I want to give a huge "Thank You" to all of the guys at the Dayton Hamvention for the information they shared at the AMSAT booth and the demonstrations. After a few unsuccessful tries I made my first QSO on SO-50 about 10 minutes ago. I only made one contact tonight, that being KC9TTR in Indiana, but I know that the first one is the hardest.
I am thrilled right now, and I know that learning what I learned in Dayton put me ahead many, many hours.
Thanks again,