1 Oct
1 Oct
8:02 a.m.
In IARU Region 1 144.400-144.490 are used for Propagation Beacons, see http://www.rsgb.org/committees/spectrumforum/docs/rsgb_band_plan_2010.htm
The section 144.000 - 144.040 may be suitable for an Amateur Satellite linear transponder downlink.
In recent years IARU Region 1 has been looking at this. The RSGB submitted a paper on the subject, see
CT08_C5_16 RSGB 144MHz Increased Satellite Service http://www.rsgb.org/spectrumforum/IARU_R1_Conference_2008/ctte5/CT08_C5_16%2... or http://tinyurl.com/2mSatelliteAllocation
I don't know if any AMSAT groups in IARU Regions 2 or 3 are looking to increase the Satellite segment in 2m ? Clearly satellites require global allocations.
73 Trevor M5AKA