27 Apr
27 Apr
10:56 a.m.
On Fri, Apr 27, 2007 at 06:43:23AM -0800, Edward Cole wrote:
But I am "FOR" new ideas, and new ways. Keeping it "new" is FUN. Why I am now getting into MW listening on 500-KHz. Its new and still falls under the big umbrella called "weak-signal". BTW DX began as a "weak-signal" activity, but on HF-DX (mostly) has become a sport (competition). Satellite and QRP now provide much of the fun of the early HF DX...discovering how far one can push the envelope!
All excellent points Ed, thanks for sharing them. It's always nice (and often refreshing) when we actually talk about satellites and technology here on the -BB.
BTW, I really am interested in using Echolink or IRLP for a new AMSAT net.
Anyone else interested?
Jeff, KE9V