I noticed that AMSAT-UK and the ARRL have both published posts that state that LO-78 will decay by the end of this week.
That's probably based in part by information I posted on the BB from satflare.com, which predicts decay on July 2nd (http://www.satflare.com/track.asp?q=39571#TOP)
However, the keps they are using appear to be incorrect. They are showing an altitude of just 226 km. Celestrak keps are showing an altitude of 317 km. Interestingly, the map view of the satellite's current position appears to be correct.
SATVIEW's decay predictions seem to be based on the 317 km current altitude and show a predicted reentry of August 5th. (http://www.satview.org/decay.php)
I think SATVIEW's prediction is more accurate. Anyone else have any input?
Paul, N8HM