19 Jul
19 Jul
2:01 a.m.
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2017 11:16:38 -0500 From: Joe[email protected]
Now for a surface to be reflective, how big does it need to be in terms of wvelength?
That's textbook radar theory - see: http://slideplayer.com/slide/3927976/13/images/9/Modelling+development+&...
Provided that you have enough EIRP (EME rig?), I would expect that 6m or 2m would probably be a good choice of band, since shorter wavelengths are more likely to undergo optical scattering, which might not be in the direction of your intended RX.
On this subject, have any hams tried using the ISS as a passive RF reflector?
73 ZL2WRW Ross Whenmouth