Tim Tapio expunged (k4shf@k4shf.com):
Interesting to note, our local repeater doesn't see the need to continually push the envelope, yet when we put one on a spacecraft, we seem to need the latest technology, not always available to the ham that just wants to go out in the backyard and operate without having to spend umpteen dollars to build up a station.
This is a classic argument. Let's step into a time machine for a moment...
"Phone? AM Phone? Who needs that fancy technology, CW is more than enough!" -CW op
"Single Sideband? Hogwash! AM does more than enough for me!" -AM op
"Digital voice? Who needs it! My 2.4khz wide SSB signal is fine!!" -SSB op
"PSK31? That's not real ham radio!! I want to talk in my QSO!!" -Most cranky old timers
Like the guy working HF with a simple transceiver and a vertical, some of us just want to operate and don't have the time/interest/money to spend building the station it requires to work some of the more exotic modes. I haven't seen any L band radios in my price range and S band seems to have lost interest (even though I'm told it was pretty simple to get on to)
My $.02 as a new operator.
You get out what you put into the hobby. That is a universal truth in life, IMHO.
-Steve N1JFU