Good Evening,
I have for quite some time trying to call the ISS when over the Indian Ocean without success, even today on Tx 145.200 and Rx 145.800 MHz as usual. But no respond, which I fully understand as the astronauts have tight schedule and most probably do not expect anyone calling when over the Indian Ocean even if in their spare time.
So, my message in the bottle is:” if any astronauts on the iSS or anyone who can have contact with them read this message, please request on my behalf a sked, it will be a first this side and probably the first 3B8/ISS QSO”
Thanks for passing on the message and I just hope to make it. I would be really happy to make it and actually if I can record same it would be a national event and promoting radio ham this side at national level.
Jean Marc (3B8DU)