Hi Bill,
Allen Lowe warned me that the Arrow Antennas are not weatherproof. He recommended the solid element antennas for permanent outdoor installation.
That being said, I suspect the threaded shaft that holds the two halves of the elements together through the boom has rusted. The only way to get a decent grip is to carefully use a small pliers on the ring right next to the boom. As you've probably already noticed, the aluminum arrow shaft itself will just spin.
Good luck. BTW I also use Arrow Antennas, but bring them into the garage when not in use.
73, John
On Jun 2, 2010, at 8:03 AM, Bill Dzurilla wrote:
We are leaving today for Europe and of course I waited until the last minute to take down my Arrow antenna, which has been mounted outside for about a year. But, when I attempted to unscrew the elements, they would not budge, even after receiving a big dose of WD-40. And the elements are not that solid so it's not possible to use a great deal of force.
Is there some trick to unscrewing these things?