30 Jan
30 Jan
10:34 p.m.
Hi everyone,
Having been away from the hobby for quite a while I am trying to get to grips with the computer based logging packages.
I have an eQSL account and have set up Ham Radio Deluxe to automatically upload my contacts as they are made.
However, I cannot find a way of putting a satellite contact in HRD which will then be accepted by eQSL. I have a number
of QSO's being rejected as they "disagree" with the recipients log.
I'm not that bothered about awards, but I would like to have a seamless way of sending the log files without having to
make numerous copies from one logging program to another.
I would like to keep using HRD if possible.
Anyone use HRD and eQSL for satellites successfully ?
If so, how do you do it??????