Greetings all. Thanks for all of the great info in this BB which has allowed me to get my sat station up and running. Now I have an odd problem. Just got CAT working on SATPC32 and was ready to make some contacts until I pressed the "brake release" lever on my CDE (az) rotor control box. Instantly disconnects or turns off the computer port to which the TS2000 is connected thru a USB/serial cable, and causes any number of port error messages. This "brake release" lever must be pressed before the antenna may be turned. When the lever is pressed, there is always a loud hum from the box and rotor which suggests to me that a very strong magnetic field around the rotor cable (which runs near the USB/serial cable), or the control box, is responsible for the computer and port problem. One other twist. Everything works perfect on my laptop, but want the larger desktop display. Has anyone experienced this have an idea for a fix? Thanks all!
Craig N6RSX Amsat no. 36607