"On" times for AO-27 continue to shift along the direction of the orbit. The 5 min "on time" for ascending passes at mid-latitudes is now on DESCENDING passes. Based on current SATNOGS observations, from when the satellite is at about 75 degN to about 65 deg N. The descending node telemetry and repeater operation is probably only available to stations further and further south (a few lucky far-S America and maybe VK and ZL stations may soon be able work Antarctica if anyone is on!).
Northern Europe and the UK are now well in the footprint, NE Canadian provinces and some New England stations may be able to work Europe, and KL7 may be able to work northern Japan in a few weeks! These opportunities won't last - the "on" time will continue to shift, and once the onboard clock is reset, the satellite will be back on a "normal" schedule.
If you hear or work AO-27, the command stations would appreciate knowing precise times for when the transmitter came on or turned off, and the reporting station's 6-character grid square or lat/lon. If you are in the far South and hear the 20 seconds of telemetry, try to capture KISS frames (NOT ASCII) and send the captured data file (or a good audio file we can try to decode). If scheduling SATNOGs observations (provides an excellent measure of on and off times), try to schedule descending passes during the "on" times and don't bother with ascending passes for now.
Thanks & 73 de KS1G on behalf of the AO-27 command team