This week sees three separate groups operating from just outside the coverage footprint of the QO-100 satellite.

From Newfoundland the geostationary QO-100 satellite is nominally 1 degree below the horizon.
After 5 years in orbit and much speculation, three groups are in the St John's area to try operating QO-100 with its S band uplink and 10GHz downlink.

Already in Newfoundland and having success is Gopan, M0XUU.   He is operating with a 0.8m dish from just north of the harbor entrance and updates can be found on the QO-100 DX Club web site.
Despite frequency periods of no signal or deep QSB, Gopan has alredy managed to work FT8 FT4 and CW.

After a week on the air as VO1/M0XUU, Gopan will be leaving early Wednesday morning.

Arriving today Monday 13th May, to Friday 17th,  are a Canadian team with a 1.8m dish and up to 100W.
Details of the operation by Stefan VE4SW and John VE1CWJ can be found at the page for special callsign  VO100QO

Finally,  Graham G3VZV and David G0MRF arrive on  Wednesday 15th with 2 sets of equipment and will be active as VO1/G3VZV and VO1/G0MRF.  They fly back to the UK early Sunday 19th.   Updates will be posted on X  @g0mrf
Operating from the old lighthouse keepers bungalow on the southern side of the harbor entrance, GN37PN85, they will be working all modes including an attempt with DATV with a 175W S band amplifier.   When not actively on the bands, a personal beacon will operate on 10489.539MHz in CW to act as a propagation indicator.

