Following CW telemetry table for RS-30 received from Moscow this morning.
I will try to type it below in text form as a proper table.
Name Decoding Assignement of parameters Limits RS30 Callsign UBS U=N * 0.087 Volts On board voltage N=115...175 IBS I=N * 0.02 Amperes On board current N=10...155 USUN U=N * 0.12 Volts Charge voltage from sun battery N=0...150 ISUN I=N * 0.01 Amperes Charge current from sun battery N=0...250 ITXA I=N * 0.01 Amperes DC Current of the 435 MHz Tx A N=0...200 ITXB I=N * 0.01 Amperes DC Current of the 435 MHz Tx B N=0...200 TTXA T=No decoding Temperature of the 435 MHz Tx A N=0...255 TTXB T=No decoding Temperature of the 435 MHz Tx B N=0...255 TNAP T=No decoding Temperature of the navigation unit N=0...255 TAB T=No decoding Temperature on board battery N=0...255 MSEP Table of operationa modes of the power supply N=0...255 MCON Table of operational modes of the controller N=0...255 SMA Table of operational modes of channel A N=0...255 SMB Table of operational modes of channel B N=0...255 MRXA Table of operational modes of Rx A N=0...255 MRXB Table of operational modes of Rx B N=0...255 RS30 Callsign
Please note the document refers to a Tx frequency of 435.353 MHz.
73 de andy, G0SFJ