Wouldn't it be wonderful if you used your creativity for something useful and positive?
On 3 occasions over the last 3-4 years I have filled out the volunteer questionnaire on the amsat website because I was motivated to volunteer, have many of the skills that are requested, a lot of free time and money to spend.
My apologies in advance, I am not following this one too closely, and nothing at all personal to anyone involved... but the above sentence out of context triggers my current summer frustration, <GRIN>
It reminds me of my high-school just graduated son and his job search. His approach was going around, collecting applications, filling them all out and eventually getting around to submitting them. THen spending the rest of the summer playing video games...
When I further pressure him to go out an find a job, he just goes out, collects more applications... And comes back to play video games... When pressured, he responds with the number of applications he has filled out. Nothing about going out and "working" to find a job...
Again, nothing pointed at the current email thread, but a comment anyway...