6 Dec
6 Dec
9:18 p.m.
Hi Alan,
I designed and built a quadfilar described at:
as quadfil1.zip
And it proved superior to an eggbeater...My method of testing comparatively, is quite simple, I did coax switching, and made an immediate comparison by listening on a hamsat...
My old tired ears did the evaluation..
I use a 435 and 2 meter version, mounted on a fixed 40° EL, and rotate with an inexpensive TV rotor...
The coax connectors are the most expensive part of the antenna, and of course use type N's at 435, best to use them at 2 meters.
Mount them both vertically, and you will get good results at all ELs above 30°..........
73, Dave, WB6LLO [email protected]
Disagree: I learn....
Pulling for P3E...