Thanks, Dave. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, eh?
73, Karl, WA5TMC
Dave hartzell wrote:
Hi Ed,
You're right, the thread is going nowhere, other than to satisfy some intellectual curiosity. That was established early on in the thread.
Why not explore potential systems and alternatives, even if they are a dead-end?
Thanks for contributing! ;-)
On 1/30/07, Edward R. Cole [email protected] wrote:
Dave and all:
I wonder what all of you were thinking? If a commercial communication satellite were channeled on one of our mw ham bands, then we would be booted off.
C-band satellites used approx. 37-MHz wide channels with alternating linear polarity to afford more adjacent channel isolation. On most of the TVRO units one could manually adjust polarization angle for optimizing the signal. If you adjusted 90-degrees off then one often got a ghost of one of the adjacent channels. The feedhorns had a rotating probe with the motor on the backside of the feedhorn.
Typically in the mid-1980's these TV sats cost over $100M before launch. Your not going to convince the satellite company to include ham radio in any manner. AS has been hashed out many times previous on this reflector the path loss to the Clarke Belt orbit is prohibitive.
This topic is going no-where!
73, Ed - KL7UW
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